
I am able to offfer a range of classes at the Training Cabin and paddock as well as 121’s. Classes are held in a safe, welcoming environment and I take no more than 5 dogs. I also run regular puppy classes at Trinity Hall in Abergavenny.

Puppy Classes
Regular puppy classes held on a Monday evening at Trinity Hall, Abergavenny. Working towards the Kennel Club Puppy Foundation Award. Booking can be made below.

Puppy Adolescent Classes (6 months to a year)
Puppy Adolescent classes-Held regularly on a Saturday morning in the cabin and paddock.

Please contact me for further information on cost and timings.

Pre-booking is essential. A £10 non refundable deposit secures a place. If classes are full when you enquire, I will put you on the waiting list for the next available class

Puppy Start socialisation classes at Riverside Vets in Abergavenny
Held once a month and limited to four puppies.

Book a Class

“After 17 years of deliberating, we finally got our puppy – just before we went in to firebreak lockdown! We headed to Facebook to ask our local group who we could reach out to for support in training our new arrival. The answer was unanimous – Tracey! So, we promptly signed up for classes, which had to move online due to another lockdown. Tracey has always been professional and welcoming, quick to respond to emails/ texts, and flexible to fit around our commitments. She has not let the recommendations down at all, providing us with really good information and techniques to help train our puppy. She has also sent videos to explain what she’s suggesting, which are clear to understand. On top of her awesome support Tracey has blown us away by her calm, friendly, and welcoming approach, making us feel very relaxed, and confident to implement the strategies.”


One to One Sessions

I am available for face to face 121 sessions at my training centre as well as in your home ( zoom, factime and whatsapp video call also available) I tailor each training session to the individual needs of the dog and the family as a whole, working towards a positive outcome building trust, confidence and an amazing bond.

121 sessions cost £45 per hour at the Cabin and paddock ( Book three sessions for £130)

121 sessions cost £50 per hour plus mileage (45p per mile for every mile beyond 10 miles outside Abergavenny) if I visit you in your home. (Book three sessions for £145)

All sessions cover a range of training support for puppies and dogs of all ages:

  • Training and Life Skills
  • Enrichment
  • Social Skills
  • Scentwork
  • Tricks
  • Building Confidence
  • I am fully insured with Pet Business Insurance to cover all aspects of training undertaken.
  • Cancellation Policy: Please provide 24 hours notice of cancellation of appointments, or the full fee is payable..
Get in Touch

”Tracey provided fantastic virtual support for a newbie dog owner like me and imparted her wisdom on everything from chew toys to diet to socialisation. She was really reassuring and her simple teaching style and fun games have helped my puppy immensely. Her lessons were also really good value. Thank you! Hope we can meet you for real one day!’


Canine Enrichment

Canine Enrichment can come in all sorts of forms
  • Playing
  • Sniffing
  • Searching
  • Digging/rolling
  • Climbing and exploring
  • Chewing
  • Puzzle solving
  • Tricks
I have a purpose built cabin with equipment and an outside paddock to allow your dog to learn in a way that is safe and fun and suits them.
Puppies and dogs of all ages can benefit from this and it is particularly good for confidence building, proprioception skills (balance and co-ordination), helping your dog to think and solve puzzles and to decompress. Sniffing and scent work is a great way to give a dog a fantastic workout, it is just as tiring as a physical walk!
All dogs can benefit from a 121 session, especially puppies, dogs that are fearful or less confident, older dogs and dogs that are recovering an illness or surgery so are on restricted exercise.



Kids Around Dogs

I am a fully approved trainer for the organisation Kids Around Dogs and that Kids Around Dogs is an association of qualified Trainers and Behaviourists who specialise in helping families with children to train their dogs and live in harmony together.

I am passionate that the more we can learn about our companion animals, how they think, learn, communicate with us, will give us a greater understanding of how we can live together successfully.


  • Education Talks in schools
    Basic animal welfare, helping children overcome fear of dogs, how to behave safely around dogs, reading dog body language.
  • Education Talks for Adults and Living Positively With your Canine
    Learning about your dog, positive rewards, reading dog body language, how your dog communicates as well as helping adults overcome fears about dogs.
  • Children’s Dog Handling Classes
    Learning how to handle their pet dogs safely and have fun too!

Please contact me for further information and costs on the above

Pets As Therapy

I became a Pets As Therapy with my rescue dog Lola a few years ago. Sadly Lola is no longer with us after a long illness, but during her time as a therapy dog she did some amazing work at Mardy Park Nursing Home in Abergavenny.

This wonderful charity provides theraputic visits to hospitals, old peoples homes, hospice and special needs schools. Each week PAT volunteers with their Cats and Dogs bring companionship and comfort to thousands. Everything is done on a voluntary basis.

I hope my newest addition, Tiny Timmy, a sheltie will one day be a therapy dog.

To see more about the charity visit their website here.

”We enjoyed the classes very much. It has been so beneficial to myself and my dog and I will continue on to the next course of training”

Pet Bereavement

As a fully qualified Pet Bereavement Counsellor I offer counselling support to anyone whose pet has died or have lost their pet in other ways.

The death or loss of a pet can be extremely distressing for adults, families and children as well as other pets that remain. Grief is a very individual and painful journey and I can offer support and guidance in helping you come to terms with your loss.

Difficult decisions need to be made at a very emotional time and I can advise on pre-planning, what to expect with euthanasia, where you would like to be with your pet (at home or at your veterinary practice) and whether you prefer burial or cremation of your companion animal and considering a memorial.

This can sometimes be a child’s first experience of dealing with bereavement and knowing how to deal with emotions is vital in preparing them for how they manage future loss.

I offer Confidential advice and support either in your own home or if you prefer a telephone consultation with email support. I charge £40 for an hour consultation.